Miyerkules, Hunyo 29, 2011

Burger Addiction

Burgers….  Burgers     burgers…

I have been an addict to burgers…… before….  I used to eat a lot, especially when I was working in one of the most selling fast food chains here in manila. Every time I log out from work, I always make sure  that a have a burger.
There are so many burgers that are delicious, anywhere you can find it. But there is one burger, that I can say that I’m really addicted to it. And every time I hear its name or saw it’s advertisements, I’m really craving for it.
This burger, is no other than, the Big Mac of Mc Donald’s. Me and my girlfriend love this burger. Yes, we LOVE it. No matter what! It’s like, I will do everything just to have a bite of it three times a week. But, even though it’s so yummy, it’s painful in my pocket, especially when you have so much things to put your money to.
With a price of 155 pesos for a medium Big Mac value meal, it’s worth it. You can get a full tummy. You know why I got big? It’s because of this burger. And I’m ordering a medium meal, but a LARGE meal! But It’s not a necessity, you can always find a much cheaper meal. But, for me  this one I’ll choose. J

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